23 LoveLane i George Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Malaysia23 LoveLane


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23, Lorong Love, 10200, George Town, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 4-262 1323
internet side: www.23lovelane.com
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Latitude: 5.419799, Longitude: 100.337179

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hong Bing Long


    Beautifully restored rooms from historic buildings. Furnishing selected to fit in with the history of the place. Clean and modern toilets and amenities like air conditioning. Great place to stay for a reasonable price.

  • en



    Very good hotel. I confirmed all the good reviews. Big room. They give all you need (toothbrush, shaver, hairbrush...).

  • Emilia Li

    Emilia Li


    Enjoyed every hour of our stay here at 23 Lovelane, high quality amenities and facilities in this humble classic old folk hotel.

  • en

    Chee Kit Chow


    Visited during the Penang International Jazz Festival 2017 opening ceremony. The ambience is cool and there's an air-well inside.

  • en

    Will William


    Fantastic colonial and rustic hotel very very quaint. Room is super clean and extremely comfortable. Location perfect for exploring georgetown. Staff cannot be more helpful. Lovely place to stay7

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