B&B@21 i Kota Kinabalu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Lorong Dewan, 88000, Kota Kinabalu, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 88-210 632
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 5.9834286, Longitude: 116.0778951

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ria oliveros D


    Great place to stay!Very cozy and the staff is very helpful and friendly. The place is clean.

  • en

    Abdul Nasor


    Cozy place even though a little small for me. The bunk bed is excellent. The height is perfect for 180cm++ person like me.

  • en

    Ainsley Rose


    We really enjoyed staying here. The accommodation is very clean and well located, but the real star is the staff. Rae gave us the best suggestions, thoughtfully answered all of our questions and went above and beyond in helping us with our trip. We went into Borneo with limited research and he personally drove us around to get our tickets organized and showed us some sights, with out asking any thing in return. This type of warm hospitality and excellent suggestions made our entire trip to Borneo. Can't recommend this spot enough!!

  • Chiang Tang Hsi

    Chiang Tang Hsi


    A sweet place for travellers to stay. Alao it's very close to down town. Easy for you to walk around.

  • en

    Kelli Golden


    The location was great, within walking distance to a lot of places, including the pier. The rooms were big and clean. The only downside was that there were no security lockers in the room, but they do have some small ones for valuables downstairs for free, so it really isn't an issue. The service was fantastic! The employees made their service so personable and made you feel like their friend. The breakfast is light with just toast, but it is free. I loved the back patio area with garden plants and tables. So cute. I really loved the atmosphere and decorations of this hostel!

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