Bottlehaus i Kuala Lumpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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34, Jalan Telawi 5, 59100, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2201 0062
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Latitude: 3.1329184, Longitude: 101.6717807

kommentar 5

  • Basil Sulaiman

    Basil Sulaiman


    Nice idea. Get your own bottle. Serve yourself. Sadly the Bangsar crowd demands that you serve them too and overcharge them. Slightly cheaper than most bars. Free bar games included. Solid 5/7 will come again

  • en

    Dan Tang


    Recently opened Pub on Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar. Great ambience and friendly staff. Have a large variety of beers, wines and liquor, stored on shelves and refrigerators on an entire wall of the pub. You'll definitely find something you like. Oh, they have excellent bar food as well, see photo of menu. Must try...Highly Recommended.

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    Michael Gordon


    Great spot for a good beer at a reasonable price, the deals for the drinks can also be very cheap and the staff were very good for letting us know what deal would be cheapest. The food was pretty tasty but the portions were on the small side. Also had a wide range of spirits to buy but I couldn’t say if the prices were good or not.

  • Nazrul Islam

    Nazrul Islam


    It's nice place for drinks , price also cheaper than other places even there got a lot type of drinks

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    Nara Subramaniam


    A first of its kind. Variety of beers never Ive seen anywhere. Check out their toilet when you are there.

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