Chynna i Kuala Lumpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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3, Jalan Stesen Sentral, Level 5, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2264 2596
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.13529, Longitude: 101.68578

kommentar 5

  • Mustafa Abdullah

    Mustafa Abdullah


    Very tasty and nice food. The price is slightly on the high side but the portion and quality is very commendable. Having certain credit cards allows you to enjoy some discounts and also being a member of Hilton Premium, you do get discount. Service is very good and the staff are very courteous and responsive to you. Suggest you make bookings before visiting this place.

  • Keh Ai Hiew

    Keh Ai Hiew


    Came here for Brunch with my ex boss staying here at Hilton , ambience was cozy and modern Chinese interior . First we were given a free cup of red dates tea , service was 5 star , we had dim sum , scallop with prawns dumpling , wellness porridge with spinach & cordyceps flowers , chicken feet , stir fry radish cake and prawn Cheong fun . Food was fabulous, my ex boss had the Hilton membership app which was 50 percent off discount for ala carte food which was a great deal .

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    Kim Tan


    Great quality Chinese food and very good service

  • Jeremie Ting

    Jeremie Ting


    Good and tasty cuisine dishes and dim sum. The complementary Chinese tea is refreshing (due to longer treatment of the tea), which differs from the rack. The ambience is pleasant and relaxing, but the food takes a while to prepare and serve. Food pricing is at the high range.

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    Laurie Wallace


    Very authentic chinise resturant in the Hilton Hotel. An expensive place in comparison to the local resturants, the quality is out of this world. The best in KL. Try the duck, three meals in one, not to be missed.

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