Citrus Hotel Johor Bahru by Compass Hospitality i Johor Bahru

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MalaysiaCitrus Hotel Johor Bahru by Compass Hospitality



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Jalan Station, 80000, Johor Bahru, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 7-222 2888
internet side:
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Latitude: 1.4604113, Longitude: 103.7645468

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rangga Pratamaputra


    Great budget hotel in the centre of town. Really near with immigration checkpoint and central transportation hub. Small room but more than enough for transit or short stay. Really recommended!

  • Bharathi Mohan

    Bharathi Mohan


    It has a poor location, cut off from the city centre by highways. You need to take a taxi to dine or shop at the main malls. The upkeep of the building is poor and service is mediocre. You can find better hotels at comparable rates right in the city centre.

  • en

    odi abd rahman


    An average place to stay, in providing visitor with a place to sleep and bathe. Safe box is not secure to firm object. Other than that it is cheap with lots of hawker selling local food around the vicinity of the hotel.

  • en

    Eileen Yeo


    Give thumbs up for the cleanliness of the hotel. Staff are very friendly and helpful. Location of the hotel is extremely near City Square JB, just across the street. Price is reasonable. Definitely enjoyed my stay with them.

  • GamesterV



    It's quite nice for a budget hotel. Will say the breakfast is repetitive. Almost the same stuff every day. Only difference is the rice type and the soup type. Bed is comfortable. It had a lounge and gym. The lounge offers free drinks and free sandwiches and biscuits.

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