Classic Hotel i Muar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaClassic Hotel


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69, Jalan Ali, 84000, Muar, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 6-953 3888
internet side:
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Latitude: 2.0447391, Longitude: 102.5664768

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sheng Kheun Kok


    At town centre and attached to the only shopping complex in Muar. Convinient.

  • CC Yong

    CC Yong


    Used to be great hotel , but recently a lot facilities getting old and did not properly maintenance. Keep it up will be great

  • pragnesh virani

    pragnesh virani


    Good Hotel has big rooms and also have shopping mall to the same building so can get all the necessary require things from there

  • en

    Brian Kok


    Stayed at room in level 8. Upon entering room, could almost immediately smell the cigerattes stench from previous users even though it clearly was a non-smoking room yet they offered the availability of a ashtray on its room round table near the couches. master controls for all electrical appliances including aircon and tv were a little faulty and requires quite a fair bit of extra effort and time in utility. overall stay was average.

  • Chrisma Tabuada

    Chrisma Tabuada


    ~Location-Wise - Very good as everything is just a small walk away. ~Rooms are clean but there are bedbugs. ~The hall's ceiling are already damaged by water, thus some of the carpets along the halls were wet. I don't know where the water comes from. ~Hotel Receptionists are friendly, as well as the other staffs. ~Wi-Fi connection is very poor.

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