Curvez Gym And Fitness Center i Kuala Lumpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaCurvez Gym And Fitness Center



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No. 252 - B, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 12-395 2244
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Latitude: 3.1293311, Longitude: 101.6842664

kommentar 5

  • Orest Bilous

    Orest Bilous


    Awesome gym, nice staff

  • Muhammed Taufiq Jusoff Albar

    Muhammed Taufiq Jusoff Albar


    Your page says 6.30am its open. 7.45am still nobody there. You guys wasted my time. I wouldn't recommend coming here if you're someone who wants to workout in the morning.

  • Chris Lim

    Chris Lim


    Cheap, no frills gym. Only downsides: the very strong smell of curry on both floors and the non-existent staff, but it has all the basic weights and equipment you'll need.

  • en

    John Smith


    RM10 for single entry. Decent gym, clean, good machines, some open stretching spaces

  • en

    Yoon lee


    I am a member here. Its an amazing gym with all the modern gym equipments under one roof. The faculties are well trained and are very helpful. Wide range of cardio equipments, very spacious with a separate floor for cardio and machine workouts, and a private room for yoga and aerobics plus a separate space for free weights. Loving the experience here. CHEERS!!!!!!!

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