Flemington Hotel i Taiping

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaFlemington Hotel


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1, Jalan Samanea Saman, 34000, Taiping, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 5-820 7777
internet side: news.flemingtonhotel.com.my
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Latitude: 4.8476573, Longitude: 100.7502848

kommentar 5

  • Leona Wong

    Leona Wong


    Very old hotel, they put effort in making the place useable but everything is very run down esp the pool though. Food is great.

  • en

    Zoe Wong


    The hotel provides basic facilities. It is very near to Taiping lake and Taiping zoo. Very refreshing view in a clear morning for lake view room. Good for cycling, photography activities. Take a morning walk around the lake in the morning and you might be able to meet some monkeys or hear some animals roars from the zoo.

  • lmt6618 *

    lmt6618 *


    Chinese New Year (CNY) eve & Chinese New Year day are super busy as festivity spirit throng ushers to dine in hotels. This is a popular dining & staying spot as its right by Lake Gardens. Traffic can be busy due to holiday makers. There is an outdoor car park opposite left of hotel with tree shades if you are lucky. Chinese dinning hall is on 1st floor accessible by a staircase on right side of entrance or take a lift for elders. On CNY dinner, set menus are the only choice & bookings made at least 2-3 months ahead to get your choiced dinning spot. There are a few dining timing ie dine early & start celebration earlier.Staff are super busy on customer's request & servicing. The entrance can be packed after a session finishes as family loves to take picture due to a number of steps at main entrance.

  • Jeffrey Tan

    Jeffrey Tan


    Went there for dinner. Good food despite the large crowd during CNY period. Service was good too.

  • en

    joel lew


    Was here for 2 days for a wedding ceremony. Location in a relatively quiet part, near a beautiful lake. It is good for jogging in the morning. Quick drive to taiping mall and local eateries.

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