Four Points by Sheraton Sandakan i Sandakan

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MalaysiaFour Points by Sheraton Sandakan


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Sandakan Harbour Square, Pusat Bandar Sandakan, 90000 Sandakan, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 89-244 888
internet side:
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Latitude: 5.8383891, Longitude: 118.1199762

kommentar 5

  • Dinesh de Silva

    Dinesh de Silva


    Super views, very good and courteous staff. In the heart of the town. Recommend having breakfast and going out for local cuisine (although may be not to everyone's tastes)

  • Kayla Cristiano

    Kayla Cristiano


    The staff were absolutely amazing!! Facilities and location were great. It was a friends birthday while away. We came back to our room and the staff had written a card for them and there was a cake in the room with Happy Birthday on it. Such a personalised experience. We will be back again :-)

  • Mathis Heltoft

    Mathis Heltoft


    Fantastic hotel. We had Junior suite and the views are amazing. I am sure they are from every room. Roof pool infinity is awesome. Incredible. Food is also very good.

  • en

    Dla Zul


    Location is very central. And it's in the shopping mall too. Easy access to bookstore and movie theatre. There's also places to eat nearby if you don't want to eat at the hotel. Comfortable rooms. View to die for especially if you get the Sea View rooms. Breakfast with multitude of choices. Staffs are very friendly and helpful.

  • Chris Banes

    Chris Banes


    Really nice hotel overall. The standard (deluxe) room was great. Breakfast was good and had a wide variety of both hot, cold, western and Asian options. Gym was small but had all the usual things. Pool was great (we had lunch there too which was good). Only negatives were the very slow running of water leaving the sink/shower, and the WiFi on the room floors being old G routers, so the range was very limited in the room. Other than that, a great place to relax and recharge.

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