Gastro Sentral Kuala Lumpur i Kuala Lumpur

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MalaysiaGastro Sentral Kuala Lumpur



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2, Jalan Stesen Sentral, 50470, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2263 7434
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Latitude: 3.1355713, Longitude: 101.6863978

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jason L


    Nice ambience Good fusion food Try the beef cheek

  • Aaron Miller

    Aaron Miller


    Super, well-rounded menu offering pasta, soups, salads, local cuisine, burgers and other offerings. My curry dish originally came with lamb. They were nice to offer it as a vegetarian option that came with rice. The vegaterian option came with tofu, tomatoes, zucchini and mushrooms. Also, the basket of rosemary bread was great. Staff were great and very friendly.

  • en

    Rita Baha


    Foods are delicious n in large quantity! ( u can share if u are a 'little' eater). Prices are affordable! The ppl n services are 👍....

  • en

    Kuan wei yang


    Nice ambient and food with reasonable price. Check their webpage for credit card promotion.

  • Jui Hong Teoh

    Jui Hong Teoh


    Gastro Central is Le Meridien’s casual dining right the lobby of the hotel. For lunch, it serves hearty meals (in super large portions) that range from comfort food such as Fish & Chips and burgers, to local asian fares. In the evening, they also serve additional finger tid bits which I love. The prices here are not expensive but neither are they cheap but the sell for them is that the meals are already discounted for what they are serving (Angus beef for RM72!). There’s also a band playing in the evenings.

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