HeavyArm i Subang Jaya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Ss 15, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-5631 2489
internet side: www.heavyarm-asia.com
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Latitude: 3.074078, Longitude: 101.5868569

kommentar 5




    Thanks Fai Goh Recommend , Finally get my stuff

  • Fahmi Mansor

    Fahmi Mansor


    Friendly and helpful staff, with lots of interesting selections of gaming equipment, consoles, merchandises, and other goodies.

  • Kevin Ng

    Kevin Ng


    Ever since Impulse Gaming opened, the employees here have been quite unfriendly, i didn't even wanted to buy from them for so many factors. 1. Customer hospitality: It use to be decent, now it depends on who is working. 2. Tidyness and cleaniness: The store is pretty clean, however everything is very cramped up, needs work on organising. 3. Pricing: Based on my research from different stores, Gamers Hideout, Impulse and so on, their price is somewhat in the middle as some of the prices for certain things are more expensive than other stores and some are slightly cheaper. 4. Their website is pretty well made, and very neat compared to some peoples (Gamers hideout).

  • en

    Ben Hafriz


    I had to give 1 star review due to rudeness of customer support during phone call. I was inquiring on a PS4 promotion and the customer support rudely replied " You cannot read the promotion poster meh?". This is totally unprofessional. If you want to buy games or gaming accessories, i recommend elsewhere, not Heavy Arm. Yes, it is price competitive and in-house staffs are friendly. But, one rude phone reply destroys its reputation and customer satisfaction.

  • Afiz Fazriz

    Afiz Fazriz


    This has always been my go-to shop for all things video games. The selection is very wide, you can find games for all major consoles, games from different regions and best of all, the price is competitive. They also have a small section for gadgets and PC accessories if you're looking for that.

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