Hotel Timotel i Mersing

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaHotel Timotel


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839, Jalan Endau, 86800, Mersing, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 7-799 5888
internet side:
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Latitude: 2.432967, Longitude: 103.8343259

kommentar 5

  • Khairul Ehsani Sapari

    Khairul Ehsani Sapari


    A fine 2-3 star hotel. Pretty comfy, but some furniture need to be replaced though. Power outlets are lacking. Each room have only about 4 sockets, and two of them are already occupied by (outdated) TV and the fridge. The power switches for the lamps are somewhat confusing. Room service come everyday so you don't have to worry about trash buildup. Bathroom equipments are complete, and they have hot showers. The breakfast selections are somewhat disappointing, but they cook great omelettes, fried mantous and french toasts. They will lock the main entrance every 1am for safety reasons. All and all, you get as much as you paid for. A comfortable room to rest, and a clean bathroom to clean up.

  • en

    Peter Goh


    While WiFi connectivity is good and rooms are fairly spacious, amenities and furnishings are somewhat dated.

  • Shiv



    Best hotel in mersing town...Maran's room was the best!

  • Muhammad Rasyaik Murad

    Muhammad Rasyaik Murad


    Average hotel. Aircond not well function on my last day of stay. Breakfast also average. Nevertheless, toilet and room was spacious. They have 3 single bed room.

  • Sandro Nania

    Sandro Nania


    Old property that need a good paint job, the carpet to be removed, redesigned toilet (connecting ceiling with other toilets - isolate the sounds from other rooms) and please remove the old furniture and please put the antic TV box into a museum. Good location, and very friendly staff.

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