Klinik Pergigian Mesra i Kota Samarahan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaKlinik Pergigian Mesra



🕗 åbningstider

Tkt. 1, Lot 3022, Sublot 18, Jalan Dato' Mohd Musa, Desa Ilmu Fasa Ii, Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 82-662 140
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 1.4557487, Longitude: 110.4515551

kommentar 5

  • bear pendek

    bear pendek


    Not satisfied. Everytime after doing treatment at this clinic, the problem with thesame teeth will repeat again. The teeth thatI've paste at this clinic also easily broke and pull out. Not suggested. Better go to government dental clinic

  • Jelly Draggy

    Jelly Draggy


    It cost me RM50 for front tooth removal. A little bit pain but done very fast like 15mins and talking. If you look for cheap and reliable tooth removal yhis can be your choice.

  • Adrian Teo

    Adrian Teo


    Ok la at least willing to service me at night. However, the Dr is not as good as it seems to be. Anyway, thanks for the service. Price was ok. Journey was a bit far.

  • Random Passerby

    Random Passerby


    The dentist and the staff is good in explaining and very patient and friendly towards me. The work on the teeth is super good , neat and clean. Pricing reasonable. Super great service. Worth the drive from town.

  • Eric Ting

    Eric Ting


    Great service, nice and friendly dentist. Very affordable price ! Only problem is that google maps location is not accurate.

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