Machines i Kuala Lumpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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201, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2276 3780
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.1331792, Longitude: 101.6874824

kommentar 5

  • Самое Прекрасное

    Самое Прекрасное


    This is the worst shop I have ever visited in KLCC, the shop assistant asks you to wait 2 minutes but in fact, they never come back to you. A few terminals there are broken and, when we paid, they returned our money for a very strange reason and the manager ran away from me and my family. We lost more than around one hour! What is that?! Never go there, there’s another shop in KLCC that is WAY more better than this shop and the price is the same. Don’t repeat the same mistake, owner of the shop what are you doing?!

  • Sudha V

    Sudha V


    No one answers the phone. :/ And the staff were talking among themselves and didn't offer any help until I approached them.

  • en

    Huey Yuin Tay


    I did not have a pleasant experience shopping here. I was made to wait in front of the payment counter for about 30 minutes before anyone would even attend to me. I will strongly recommend to purchase products online or another store if you're not in a hurry/ desperate.

  • Angel Ortega

    Angel Ortega


    It appears that from my experience and colleagues, the items sold here are defected. I bought an iPhone with them the day before yesterday. I went to install a screen protector at another shop and they noticed the LCD is loose. Don't bother calling the number on the receipt because nobody will answer. Came back to this Machines and all they did is tap it to confirm the problem exists. But I was told to go to a Service Center for a phone I have paid for and not even activated yet. Talked to a colleague and it appears that the iWatch bought here was problematic too. On two instances. What a coincidence.

  • Tan You Leak

    Tan You Leak


    I never write any bad review but today I need to sound out. Very bad customer service and sale person impolite. I directly refund my iPhone because of their arrogant at the same day

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