Mikey's Original New York Pizza i Kuala Lumpur

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MalaysiaMikey's Original New York Pizza



🕗 åbningstider

17, Jalan Telawi 2, 59100, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2202 0080
internet side: www.mikeyspizza.com.my
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 3.1320261, Longitude: 101.6715218

kommentar 5

  • Jesus C

    Jesus C


    Had high expectations prior to visiting the restaurant only to find out that it is not good enough. We were lucky to only order two slices, at RM25.85 total bill. The pizzas are too salty to begin with, to think more deeply, most people would probably love eating them because of the big portion with generous ingredients in them. Also, staffs are really friendly with a lot of smiles, they make you feel very welcomed. For me, I would never come back again but would recommend people to at least give them a try.

  • Chia Tek Sim

    Chia Tek Sim


    Pizza there is actually very nice when it's freshly baked. Try not to get the one that is already left on the shelf for a long time. If ordered delivery, really have to eat before it turns cold.

  • Reuben Cheow

    Reuben Cheow


    Used to be better. Quality has dropped. But it's acceptable. Go here if it's convenient

  • Simon Wood

    Simon Wood


    Nice filling pizzas. Good variety. Assorted complimentary food. Open air style so not heavily air-conditioned. Not for the Budget conscious. Rm 10 per slice. 2 slices makes a standard lunch meal. Large pizzas 8 big slices 60-80RM. And not for the health conscious either.

  • Kuo Chern Ng

    Kuo Chern Ng


    Terrific pizza at a very reasonable price. They provide a nice variety of various toppings, many of which combine some interesting flavours. The Mexican beef provides a very flavourful experience, while the 911 will satisfy those who crave a spicy pizza.

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