Miri Marriott Resort & Spa i Miri

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaMiri Marriott Resort & Spa



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Jalan Temenggong Datuk Oyong Lawai, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 85-421 121
internet side: www.marriott.com
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Latitude: 4.374845, Longitude: 113.971422

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sai Kit Yong


    Stayed here about 2 weeks ago in Room 1807. The room is newly renovated with big screen TV. However, the TV doesn't work. It's always with poor reception and static sound. What a shame for a huge screen LCD. They put 2 single beds in the room. The bedsheet on one of them still has stain on it. There's absolutely no towels at all when I checked in, not even a small towelette. I need to call front desk and it took them almost half an hour to deliver 2 pieces of towel. The phone in the room doesn't really work. Breakfast varieties are mediocre at best. This is resort doesn't come close to what a real Marriott should be. Highly not recommended.

  • en

    Win Tai


    Terrible service. We booked a room with breakfast for two. Somehow the booking amendments went wrong. The management offered to give us one breakfast free and pay for two. My friends were not happy with the service and the leaking sink. The staff came to see about the leak and asked us what time we are checking out. How much can we eat for breakfast to make up for the amendments. The room is small. We arrived at 1.30pm the check in time is 4pm. We were given a so called upgrade at 2pm. We waited more than 30 minutes to check in. At check in we were lost no guide to inform us how to get to our rooms. There is no beach. Over small issue of simple breakfast makes me give this review a one star. Definitely won't stay at Marriott in miri again. Poor service. Definitely not 5 star. At most 2.5 star service.

  • Ali Udin

    Ali Udin


    Situated by the beach is an Excellent place for relaxation. Good food with choice to enjoy either in its restaurant or bbq by thepool while enjoying sunset!

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    naz abdul


    Room is good. Hospitality is great. Only thing is lack of ramp or lift. So guest have to carry their bags up and down the stairs. I arrived late at night and no bellboy was there. I had to haul my bag down the stairs and walk along a lonely corridor to my room.

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    Chang & Partners Advocates


    Buffet and food has improved after the change of their chef. But the toilets need to improve in their lighting. 2 lights for the whole ladies toilet near Zest Restaurant is certainly too dim and feel like washing hands in the dark. The toilet bowl covers definitely need new replacement. ..old stains and some bit broken. For 5 stars hotel, definitely not excusable.

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