Nelayan Restoran Pulau Serai (Misi Azlina) i Kuala Dungun

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MalaysiaNelayan Restoran Pulau Serai (Misi Azlina)



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Jalan Kuala Terengganu, 23000, Kuala Dungun, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60
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Latitude: 4.8085671, Longitude: 103.4240803

kommentar 5

  • Badrol Hisham

    Badrol Hisham


    The food here is a hit and miss. Some are good but mostly are average. Some of the ingredients are not fresh.

  • en

    Khairil Aznin


    Nice romantic place for dinner. Price is reasonable for an exclusive resort. Highly recommended.

  • Florian Schmidt

    Florian Schmidt


    Very nice restaurant with great beach setting, delicious food from a small but sufficient and local as well as international menu and exceptionally good and friendly service. Had pasta, fish and beef there as well as dessert and can recommend all. It is one of the 3 Tanjong Jara Resort restaurants, open for lunch (12pm-5pm), cocktails (6pm-11pm) and dinner (7pm-10:30pm). They also serve snacks and coffee etc to the pool area nearby.

  • en

    Christopher Sen


    Food was good tho their short ribs is in the boneless style. Was quite a let down but for what it was, it was ok. Should clarify the style before ordering. Presentation was good. Pouring wine needs improving. Ambience is very nice. Service was excellent. Pricing is as expected for a place like it. Great for a romantic dinner. Beach is very nice and useable. No sure how safe the water is along this stretch. In this area always check with the locals/hotel staff. Undercurrents can be strong at times. Overall highly recommended place if what you are looking for is a spot with class, style and a nice stiff sea breeze.

  • The Choobs

    The Choobs


    The setting is really breathtaking as you can sit by the beach. Food presentation very decent, service is also up to level. The food on the other hand barely surpasses the average level.

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