Palace Inn i Miri

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaPalace Inn


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Lot 192, Kwangtung Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 85-421 999
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Latitude: 4.3945892, Longitude: 113.9897436

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Ng

    Andrew Ng


    As cheap hotels go, this place fits the bill to a tee. It's renovated rooms have a fairly decent size, beds and bathroom. The surrounding businesses are noisy daytime but it's location is otherwise pretty central for getting around Miri town. The overwhelming smell of mothballs really is the one thing keeping me away from more than a couple nights stay. Otherwise, for the money it's clean, relatively new, friendly staff and is a nice location to walk around town.

  • mohd fuad Saini

    mohd fuad Saini


    Harga ok

  • Razors Max

    Razors Max


    Its a good budget hotel..staying in 208 room..the room are ok but still need little improvement..the hotel still in not staying all day at the hotel soo no.problem..overall ok

  • en

    Gwendoline Molly


    The room are beautiful.. Big n not expansive..

  • en

    mohd amirul


    The hospitality is very poor. The attendance/receptionist is very rude especially the women receptions. The room is very poor maintenance.. when there is a heavy rains, the room is flood..

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