PAPER + TOAST i Kuala Lumpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Jalan Gading, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 16-210 0954
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.1473588, Longitude: 101.7130807

kommentar 5

  • Amirul Mokhtar

    Amirul Mokhtar


    You can definitely feel the love in this co-working space. Doesn't have that "office environment" kind of pressure which is what a co-working space should be

  • Musashi Salahuddin

    Musashi Salahuddin


  • Mark Blackwell

    Mark Blackwell


    It's a little hard to find. I suggest you make contact with them first and arrange the visit rather than just turning up. It's more set up for long term coworking rather than day guests. Otherwise it's a really nice coworking space, such a good location, good infrastructure inside and not crowded which personally I love. Overall excellent, just take my advice and don't turn up unannounced, it will be super confusing.

  • Caroline Ellis-Gowland

    Caroline Ellis-Gowland


    Cold, Thirsty and Alone! Very disappointing! I went as a new member today and Paper and toast was a complete let down. We arrived at 10am today after a downpour of rain, which left us feeling rather cold. We had booked space so knew about asking the guard to set the elevator to 13a. When we arrived there was no-one around to ask anything to. We looked for anyone just to pay the fee and their was not a soul. So we thought, oh well we will pay later. Next problem .... there was no where to make coffee. I don't know about everyone else but this is one of the most important things for my work day. There may have been a secret place to get coffee but with no-one around how is a new member suppose to know. For somewhere called paper and toast I found this very frustrating. Oh well, never mind... so I begin to attempt to work but low and behold it is freezing .... not cold, freezing! Now this is where I start to get a bit angry, if there is no one around to look after the space then, for goodness sake, leave the air-con buttons somewhere where people can actually change the temperature! So our work day which we are expected to pay £10 a day for leaves us cold, thirsty and alone... In my view I would be better off in a cafe. So my review outlines my letdown. I felt they had no understanding of their clients and need to rethink how they treat new clients, rather then leaving them alone in the cold.

  • p.w. Wong

    p.w. Wong


    nice co-working place

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