Pasar Seni i Kuala Lumpur

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MalaysiaPasar Seni


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Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50000 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60
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Latitude: 3.14247, Longitude: 101.69524

kommentar 5

  • Llewell and Chelsia Tan

    Llewell and Chelsia Tan


    Great interchange station between MRT and LRT. The LRT is quite old but it's very convenient while the MRT station is clean and quiet.

  • Mohamud Dahir Ali

    Mohamud Dahir Ali


    Pasar seni nice big Market .. You can get Every things that you like I like .. see you again Malaysia..

  • Mask Trooper

    Mask Trooper


    LRT Kelana jaya line, Pasar Seni station.. at these station link to MRT Pasar Seni Station also and link to Rapid KL Bus Station Hub

  • Nischal Ranjinath Muniandy

    Nischal Ranjinath Muniandy


    A well-connected station that features the Kelana Jaya LRT and Sungai Buloh-Kajang MRT lines as well as a bus hub right under the station with a multitude of Bus Services including the Purple Line of the free GoKL bus that heads to KL Tower, Pavilion and the Bukit Bintang area. However, I would advise that if you are heading to Pavilion or Bukit Bintang, that you should take the MRT instead. It's faster and you'll beat traffic. The station is also connected to the historic Kuala Lumpur KTM railway station via footbridge. This station is over 130 years old and has KTM Komuter Services towards Sungai Buloh, Port Klang, Batu Caves and Kajang. You can also catch the ETS intercity train from here. Currently, refurbishment and renovation works are being carried out to further improve this station as a second public transport hub to KL Sentral to navigating the station might be slightly difficult during peak hours.

  • Amol Gupta

    Amol Gupta


    Its an very old building with people selling roadside things. Good place to hangout and do roadside shopping. You should be able to bargain nicely to get a good price.

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