Pets Wonderland @ Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur i Kuala Lumpur

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MalaysiaPets Wonderland @ Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur



🕗 åbningstider

1, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2284 3388
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 3.117376, Longitude: 101.677846

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Ng

    Kevin Ng


    (Tidy store with a huge variety of products for your lovely pets) The products are well kept and organised, the main issue i have is the placement of the animals (specifically dogs). I may not know how they treat the dogs, but they should be kept with care and a bigger space for them to run around. My suggestion would be a fenced park-ish area big enough where they can play together. Then the customers or visitors can at least feel like they really want a pet and let them play together. Just a suggestion.

  • en

    Nila Murni


    Smaller now than before but still hasthe same level of service and get almost everything

  • rick zi

    rick zi


    Quite many selection of products at reasonable price if not cheaper

  • en

    YE Kim


    It is horrible that they keep dogs and others in small cages. If you want to have a pet, go visit PAWS where stray cats, dogs, and rabbits are rescued and sheltered.

  • Brett Arendse

    Brett Arendse


    If I could give zero stars i would! I visited here to buy some products for my pet back home in Australia. To my HORROR I saw distressed puppies & dogs, small, medium & large all stuck in square little spaces. One dog in particular a corgi appproxmately 7-months old was traumatised as it kept circling the small space it has to endure everyday. How can you do this to an animal? These poor dogs once purchased will be left psychos because of the psychotic trauma they faced of living in this captivity, unsocialed & kept in a small BOX. I asked a staff member if the dogs were walked & I simply got a reply of yes- no further elaboration at all so i highly doubt this is the case. AVOID!

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