Poliklinik Sentral i Kuala Lumpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaPoliklinik Sentral


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Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60
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Latitude: 3.1346097, Longitude: 101.6856008

kommentar 5

  • en

    Grace Yi Sing Tan


    Charges are on the high side and not very caring doctor. Too many staff employed just giggling away

  • en



    Not sure if it s the medicine not strong enough or other issues, most of the time can’t fully heal or really cure even normal flu. They are a very strict with MCs slip they will only give you the day you visit, if you are not feeling well the next day will need consult again.

  • Harold Aldwin Dela Luna

    Harold Aldwin Dela Luna


    Doctor not good... charging excessively...

  • Fuad Alhabshi

    Fuad Alhabshi


    I just went there after having a bout of food poisoning. The doctor dismissed my case completely just because I did not have a fever while he was taking my temperature. So I guess he would rather me suffer through the whole night without having taken panadol? An hour after seeing him my diarrhea continued. A case of complete mis-diagnosis. This prompted me to go to the Klinik Mediviron which was relatively near, and had a much better doctor. Do not make the same mistake I did, please avoid Poliklinik Nu Sentral.

  • suraj gupta

    suraj gupta


    Very Good doctors here. Always explain in details for any diagnosis. Also explain the pros and cons of any medication before prescribing.

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