Pos Malaysia Mid Valley Megamall i Kuala Lumpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaPos Malaysia Mid Valley Megamall



🕗 åbningstider

Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2283 1959
internet side: www.pos.com.my
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 3.1188022, Longitude: 101.6778286

kommentar 5

  • Twinkle yun

    Twinkle yun


    Close at 6pm on weekday indeed inconvenience for working adults who need the service after 6pm. Yes, it opens on weekend but the traffic and parking issues...

  • Jo Lee

    Jo Lee


    The service is pretty fast for driving license renewal (RM30 per annum), RM2.10 (with GST) service charge. This outlet is at the deep end of Aeon food court at lower ground floor. Depends on your timing, visit during lunch hours on a Saturday has no crowd, no waiting time. But if you go early, the queue will be long.

  • en

    Ngu Derek


    wanna buy pos express envelope... wait 30 mins, 0 move... ask the staff is the Stem Selling Counter open, Replied : Tunggu lah. Dun go if you cant TUNGGU

  • LeePing Phuah

    LeePing Phuah


    fast, it is next to jusco food court. go deeper into the jusco area to locate it.

  • L Choy

    L Choy


    the new location is quite hidden... it is at the Aeon supermarket end, right next to the Aeon foodcourt, making it convenient to grab a drink / a small bite to eat if you have a long wait. for renewal of car insurance, road tax and pay summons, they take cash only...not accept debit/credit cards...but there are atm machines next to the pos office. service is reasonably quick (weekday after 3pm). theres only 2 numbers to wait. although there are 5 counters, not all 5 counters are open always...sometimes 1 or 2 are closed at certain times and that makes service slow

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