Royale Chulan Seremban i Seremban

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaRoyale Chulan Seremban


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Jalan Dato A.S Dawood, 70100, Seremban, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 6-766 6666
internet side:
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Latitude: 2.7211567, Longitude: 101.94508

kommentar 5

  • Fadhli Hasim

    Fadhli Hasim


    Breakfast is good. Clean and cosy room. Spacious too. Location is quite ok, walking distance to a recreational park.

  • Anna Choo

    Anna Choo


    Attended a wedding dinner. Halal. Food so so only. Ambient nice. Hall big. Service poor. Not trained and it was a long wait in between dishes.

  • Maniam Ruben Kumar

    Maniam Ruben Kumar


    Not a very good stay. Check-in was good, but check out was too slow, the manager attending to students taking survey and not attend to the long waiting customers. What nonsense.. Room is run down, smelling of cigarettes even though it's a non smoking room.. The bed sheets were dirty, room housekeeping was very slow to respond. Breakfast was disappointing. The omellete was sour and the chef has the nerve to mention that it's due to the capsicum. It's the milk or the eggs that are spoilt, even a common layman would know that. I'm very upset with my stay, even my other half is fuming. Please renovate the hotel and send your staff for soft skill courses. Not coming here again.

  • en

    YY Tan


    This is a very good place for buffet dinner. I had buffet dinner with my family. It is fresh and once finish they will serve and bring out more example fresh salmons , sashimi, oyster. Saturday buffet is with pool side barbeque.thumb up. The environment is very good.

  • Sarah Raquq

    Sarah Raquq


    Reasonable price. Nice pool and the lake gardens jogging track is situated right in front of the hotel. Reception service is excellent and the breakfast buffet is like any other hotel. But the room I stayed in felt bare, as there were no pictures or paintings on the walls. Also, the room I stayed in had one of those box TV. Which I find highly unusual in this day and age. But at least it has the usual Astro channels on it

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