Sam's Groceria i Kuala Lumpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaSam's Groceria



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Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 19-370 1457
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.1329001, Longitude: 101.687082

kommentar 5

  • en

    Brenda Starr


    There's a small eatery here. Waiter came at 9.30 sharp and asked us if we were finished with out drink. I hadn't finished mine. He just said, "I want to go back." so I let him take my unfinished drink away. Perhaps your management can teach the staff some polite communication skills. Usually in any restaurant, they will inform when they are about to close, so that we will have time to finish our food. This guys comes at 9.30pm sharp and with a stern tone. It's really not polite. Not quality service standard for a posh place like Nu Sentral.

  • en

    [email protected] amiergemok84


    Overall I'm so Happy shopping at Sam's Groceria... I like to highlight, service and quantity ur fresh food. Especially market, fish. Two times, I'm buying.. But fish not fresh at all. When I fried all HANCUR... Please monitor this quality, not for quantity. I'm regular there. Some more, I going buy fish.. I ask the staff to help, cut.. he said,this fish cannot!!! Hello, don't because of you Man, quality service there became Hancur Jugak. Anyway please monitor all of this, I'm work service line,same like urs.. Anyway I love Sam's groceria... Good luck

  • Hee Kong Yap

    Hee Kong Yap


    Just beside KL Sentral Train Station, in NU Sentral, good for a cup of coffee and a light snacks, walk shopping.

  • Sir Bellamy

    Sir Bellamy


    Good mid size supermarket with fresh fruit , dried goods, continental meats n european foods , bakery and deli . No alcohol served here.

  • Elaine Young

    Elaine Young


    Convenient for after work grocerries shopping as many offices is nearby. A good place to grab breakfast too as they had opened before office hour. The staff are friendly and would greet the customer. Two stars away for the price slightly higher compare to other malls, and there are limited seat for dine in at food area.

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