Starbucks Coffee KL Sentral i Kuala Lumpur

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MalaysiaStarbucks Coffee KL Sentral



🕗 åbningstider

Jalan Travers, 50470, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2274 6842
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.1348295, Longitude: 101.686698

kommentar 5

  • Viren Mehta

    Viren Mehta


    It's a Starbucks, no review needed. The best coffee.

  • Lau Wai Kit

    Lau Wai Kit


    Coffee order by default is cold. What in the world coffee order by default is cold? If I want a cold coffee I will tell u I wan a cold coffee, if not, please, please, it's hot coffee.

  • Elaine Young

    Elaine Young


    The seat are limited. And the staffs did not clean the table most of the time during my visit. The Wifi connection is slow, and not strong. The quality is not consistent. But the attitude of the staff is satisfying and friendly.

  • en

    G D


    Good ambience with mix of indoor and outdoor seating. Indoor seating has both laid back cushion seats and high chairs. The muffin made of locally sourced bananas tasted really good. The staff who served me was cordial, smiled and treated me well. However, I noticed that tables weren't cleared for several minutes even after the customers had left and so I helped them out by returning someone else's used tray with leftovers which was on the only free seat I could find. To finish on a positive note, the free WiFi sign up process worked even though it asked for my date of birth (which I consider an invasion of privacy). Overall, a decent experience and this is a decent place to meet up with a friend when flying via KL because the express train to the airport is just close by.

  • zuan s

    zuan s


    For morning kickstarter, I would recommend their Crossaint Bun with Chicken, egg & cheese. Small outlet but convenient.

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