Sultan Ahmad Shah Airport i Kuantan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaSultan Ahmad Shah Airport


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25150 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 9-531 2123
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.7807464, Longitude: 103.214965

kommentar 5

  • jong pohchan

    jong pohchan


    Not much waiting seat.

  • Hashadi



    Ok je..

  • Badli Shah

    Badli Shah


    Like a number of the better smaller airports, Sultan Ahmad Shah Airport is a joint civil/military airport (MIG-29) and it serves about 1 million passengers per year. Situated just outside Kuantan, the airport also features a number of rental car companies, which keeps the cost of transport into town low Sultan Ahmad Shah Airport meets easy-in, easy-out requirements of fans of small airports, but it is the staff that gets the most praise among airport experts and critics. Malay hospitality seems to go far here, which is a helpful issue at a small airport, where delays can sometimes be a fact of life Nearest airports: Kerteh (KTE), 88 km (55 mi) Taman Negara (SXT), 109 km (68 mi) Sungei Tekai (GTK), 135 km (84 mi) Tioman (TOD), 156 km (97 mi) Kuala Terengganu (TGG), 179 km (112 lmi) This airport is truly a favorite of many travel pundits...

  • Na Ba

    Na Ba


    Small but the important facilities are there. Toilet is okay. Musollah is okay too. There are only two airlines available here. Malaysian airlines and firefly. Malaysian airlines is pretty cool. The staff are cool. They smiled at me. There are some shops too. The airport is pretty empty tbh but okay. I dont mind. The toilet has extra toilet paper in case the one already provided finishes.

  • en

    Swee Yuin Oon


    The staff here is friendly...but the announcement here is quite unclear

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