T+ Hotel Sungai Petani i Sungai Petani

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaT+ Hotel Sungai Petani


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59, Lengkok Cempaka 1, 08000, Sungai Petani, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 4-441 2111
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Latitude: 5.6720602, Longitude: 100.5122993

kommentar 5

  • Zan Ahmad

    Zan Ahmad


    This hotel are suggested due to the cozy enviroment. However need improvement to prepare bfast to all customer as hospitality. But no worries, the Amanjaya mall and nearby shop have a lot viraties food for you to choose.

  • en

    Jyoti Kumar Shrestha


    Cheap price and nice room

  • Muhamad Luqman Hakim Ahmad Bostaman

    Muhamad Luqman Hakim Ahmad Bostaman


    Reasonable price, easy to get parking, complete with breakfast

  • Foxie Aerialgraphy

    Foxie Aerialgraphy


    Nice hotel. Clean & comfort

  • George Cristea

    George Cristea


    The towels smelled funny, as in "washed three months ago and kept in a closet", or in the best case they didn't have any scent at all. The breakfast consists, usually, of two hot dishes (rice and/or noodles), bread, butter and jam, coffee or tea. There is a Thai restaurant right outside of the hotel, which is convenient. The overhead rain shower was nice, but no toiletries offered, not even a soap! I would choose a hotel more carefully next time I'm in Sungai Petani.

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