The Bike Artisans i Kuala Lumpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaThe Bike Artisans



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58-G-01, Jalan Doraisamy, 50300, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2202 8018
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Latitude: 3.1586044, Longitude: 101.6994963

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alvin Tim


    The place to work your passion 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️

  • Chris Waters

    Chris Waters


    Well equipped shop, great product. Kind if high-end road 50/50 carbon v steel. Passionate and knowledgeable.

  • Samson Cheong

    Samson Cheong


    One of the few places in Malaysia where you can get the Campagnolo components as it's components rarely found in every bike shops in Malaysia where Shimano & SRAM is dominant. They do also sold exclusive design of jerseys such as pattern & flowers where usually sold online and not found in most of bike shops.

  • en

    Bozza Jack


    Brilliant business (and central). Highly Recommend for all

  • Izzuddin Helmi

    Izzuddin Helmi


    My first visit to this small and cozy bike shop, me and my father were greeted by a kind and friendly guy named Mr Jeff Liew. Great shop and items offered here. Especially all those custom made Italian roadbikes ranging from the famous Dario Pegoretti and Stelbel( Stelio Beletti), Cérvelo, LOOK and etc. One can also find accessories such as Kask or POC helmets here, Black Sheep attire and drop by to feast your eyes on a variety of beautiful bikes here.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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