The Federal Kuala Lumpur i Kuala Lumpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaThe Federal Kuala Lumpur


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35, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2148 9166
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.144497, Longitude: 101.7086519

kommentar 5

  • Happy Coco

    Happy Coco


    Old hotel but well maintained...with pool near the restairant..staff are nice..good food nice room with iron and ironing board..near bukit bintang monorail station...

  • Samuel Zhang

    Samuel Zhang


    Was here three times. The services are quite good also got welcome drinks. This hotel nearby alor street only few walks from hotel, which is a good place for finding foods. This hotel already quite old. Recently just celebrating 60th year. But for the room still comfortable to use and quite clean.

  • en

    Cornucopia World


    Was here for company event twice. It has old feel, a quaint place but we'll maintained. Food is great, a good variety of Western and local food.

  • Wan Mallisa

    Wan Mallisa


    Fantastic, dun miss this place! The night skylines view is beautiful. Recommended for couples to hv romantic dinner. The restaurant takes 360 deg turn. Maybe they should chge the name to 360 Degrees hahaha...

  • en

    AKM Ibrahim


    The overall environment of the hotel is good. Staffs are friendly. Rooms are spacious with wifi connection. Wash rooms are good. There is separate small prayer rooms for gents and ladies. There are so many varieties of items in complementary bteakfast. Foods and drinks are of good quality and tasty.

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