The Mod House i Kuala Lumpur

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MalaysiaThe Mod House



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106, Jalan Maarof, 59000, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2280 0292
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Latitude: 3.1387606, Longitude: 101.6724162

kommentar 5

  • en

    Shawn lee


    As i had readed some of the very unfair comments about The Mod House, therefore i would like to make some comment about The Mod House as well. My whole family member was the big fans of The Mod House, before we found The Mod House, my family members will make they custom made dresses in of the very famous fashion designer in KL actually, of course the price always been charged like sky high, 2 years plus ago, i had found The Mod House which is introduce from my best friend to have a custom made of my suits for the wedding day of my niece which is less than a week before her wedding day is coming, it is too rushing actually and no one else want to take my order before that actually excepted The Mod House. First time i went there, i found the place is awesome and very comfortable, the designer name Mr. Ho is absolutely friendly and very professional as well. At the end he had rushed for me the custom made of my suits within 3 days only. After my fitting day in his shop, everything is perfect with very great cutting, just the sleeve need some alteration because a bit long. Amazing and reasonable price has been charged for me actually compare to the other market price actually. From that, i had strongly introduced my whole family members also my friends to him. So far everyone is happy with his well done job, even some of my very fussy and high demanding sisters was told me they are very happy with the designer. Even one of my niece was made and designed her gowns during her Miss Malaysia Tourism Pageant and she was the winner as well in 2016. By the way, this is the excellent jobs me and my family members and also my others friends has the experiences in The Mod House so far, definitely not like the others was comments so badly about they inconceivable bad service with they customers. Perhaps me and my family and friends members was so lucky than. Anyway, i would give some suggestion with the very unsatisfied customers about The Mod House so that both side to be fair to each other. As i know the regulation of custom made of dresses, customer always been called for a fitting, during the fitting time customer always have the right to complaints whatever and wherever they are not satisfy of the dress. Do not accept the dress until you get satisfy. As i know all my sisters always do that until they happy with what they want otherwise they will not accept the dresses. Once we had accepted the custom made dresses during the fitting time, that is mean we are happy and agreed whatever they had done. So there is no point going to give a bad comments and trying to influence the others about they bad services. This is absolutely not fair to them anyway. What i can say here, The Mod House still providing me and my family with they great and excellent services at all times. Well done anyway and The Mod House always be highly recommended.

  • Yuen San

    Yuen San


    Custom made a cheongsam. Totally wouldn't recommend this place for it. They claimed the structure of cheongsam was made in hong kong but I suspect it's factory produced in China. Alterations and buttons add-on done locally had really bad workmanship. Even after 2 different fitting sessions, they couldn't get the fitting right. Also, when the dress was being altered, the delicate brocade cloth wasn't handled properly resulting in threads at various places coming out. Told designer a couple of times to follow a certain designs for the handmade cheong sam button. He acknowledged my request but in the end, came out with his own version which was amateurish, poorly made in terms of design and workmanship, out of proportion and badly placed on cheongsam. Even the piping for the cheongsam was not done correctly. I wouldn't recommend to tailor make your dresses here but if you do, please ensure you agree with them upfront on the design of the dress and its detailing as well as corresponding cost. Overall experience dealing with the shop owner/designer is unpleasant.

  • ViCher Chua

    ViCher Chua


    I made 9 dresses in total from this shop. I was told to pay the full sum of all the dresses up front instead of a deposit. "Tailor made" dresses made in this store are in fact factory-made in China / Hong Kong factory. The cutting of the dresses made were not as fitting unlike your usual expectations of tailor made clothing. The prices of additional beading and padding are excessive for the quality and workmanship offered. Better off buying your dress online for the price you are paying.

  • Ye Shan Lin

    Ye Shan Lin


    Custom made a few bridesmaid dress and had an unpleasant experience. Material used for the dress was so thin and there was no inner lining. Cutting of the dress was off, area under armpit was too tight, fit was bad and had to be redone a few times. Also when asked to add padding, first they said it’s RM50, then they said it’s RM150, very unprofessional and felt as if they just wanted to just suck our money dry. The dress was plain one thin piece of material, to add anything (bead, lace, lining, padding, or whatever at all) they would slash you on price, so it’s best you have everything written black and white with the prices and pay AFTER you get your dress done (we paid before the dresses were made). Overall, I could have gotten a cheaper dress, with better quality, better fit and design from Bangkok. I would not recommend this place.

  • Alex Tan

    Alex Tan


    Cozy and comfortable place for office, dinner and wedding clothes shopping. Friendly and helpful staffs. Custom made tailor is available here too.

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