The Store Shaw Centrepoint i Klang

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MalaysiaThe Store Shaw Centrepoint



🕗 åbningstider

6, Jalan Raja Hassan, 41300, Klang, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-3344 6233
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.048458, Longitude: 101.4477164

kommentar 5

  • en



    One stop point for shopping , gadget & cinema...good place with a lot of parking...

  • duraipriyaaa raajsri

    duraipriyaaa raajsri


    We can shopping here phone and dress in THE STORE.

  • en

    Irmawani Wahid


    Not much to expect but its one of the oldest shopping mall in klang that still survive till today. The facilities quite old. But to compare with new shopping malls is absolutely unfair to them but it still manage to provide satisfaction to your needs. Cheap and affordable price. You can get all your fancy shoes, your office/school attire, groceries, home electrics equipment etc in just one roof. And its AFFORDABLE . The tenant shops quite structured actually. There are jewellery shops, phone booths, ICT centre and gadgets, entertaiment like cinema etc. I considered this shopping mall as one of the treasured locations in making bandar klang alive today. Full of memory lane for those who was born n grown up here. Have a visit n you know what i mean :)

  • Hanxue Lee

    Hanxue Lee


    A relatively older mall in the center of Klang, the only shops that seem to be doing well are jewellery stores, and The Store supermarket. Parking is available not just inside the building but all around as well.

  • Darren kumar

    Darren kumar


    A decent shopping mall which has a great movie theatre. and great choice of clothing options for moderate price tag a D they do sell gadgets and it products in this mall

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