Thistle™ Johor Bahru hotel i Johor

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MalaysiaThistle™ Johor Bahru hotel



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Jalan Sungai Chat, 80100, Johor, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 7-222 9234
internet side:
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Latitude: 1.462464, Longitude: 103.743337

kommentar 5

  • Ahmed Khan

    Ahmed Khan


    Friendly staff excellent service. Room was clean and quite. Enjoyed our stay here. Will definitely recommend as a preferred choice in Johor Bahru.

  • en

    Teng Mien Lee


    Majority of Hotel in JB are at best average. This is one of those handful I will consider returning. Stayed for 2 nights, room is big and clean, good for my family with 2 young kids. Hotel is showing it's age but well maintained and well managed. It located some distance from the city center overseeing the Straits of Johor,will need a vehicle to move around.

  • en

    Valery Lam


    The hotel is old and not all rooms are well maintained. I would give 2.5 stars if there is a half star option. I stayed for 2 nights and the first room that i had, the wardrobe door nearly fell on me because the hinges came off. The plumbing system in the bathroom was bad too. After shower, the whole floor was wet and formed little ponds of water. The phone system was down in the hotel and i had to feedback by going down to the reception. Only after nearly getting injured by the falling wardrobe then did i get a new room for the next night. Rooms are considered pricey considering the condition of the hotel.

  • en

    Jayvis Lee


    Thistle is good place to look if you're aiming for a relaxed staycation. It has a resort feel to it and the pool is huge and uncrowded. Although the water quality from the shower has a slight yellowish tint, it hasn't cause any problems. Simply request for mineral drinking water if required.

  • Jayasingam Rajoo

    Jayasingam Rajoo


    The rave reviews given to this hotel doesn't do justice to the condition of the hotel rooms, amenities, restaurants or services at the property. I arrived at the hotel with two colleagues for a meeting on a Sunday evening (10 Dec 2017). At the lift lobby we were greeted by the smell of stale air and dirty carpets. Upon entering the room which also stank from a combination of poor ventilation and dirty carpets I had another surprise waiting. The toilet seat had fresh urine although the rest of the room appeared to be made up. The rest of my stay took a dive south from that point onward. Starting with the 40 minutes wait for our dinner. The food was completely bland, the seafood in my colleague's food were not fresh resulting in stomach upset. It is definitely not a hotel for hosting meetings as the meeting room facility are really ancient and belong to a different era altogether.

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