Time Hotel Sdn. Bhd. i Seremban

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaTime Hotel Sdn. Bhd.


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No.2396, 2400, Taman Labu Utama, Jalan Sungai Ujong, Taman Labu Utama, 70200 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 6-767 9949
internet side: www.timehotel.com.my
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Latitude: 2.7194456, Longitude: 101.9208212

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aman Ahmad


    Cheap ...and quite nice for buject

  • Pui San Kong

    Pui San Kong


    The receptionist was very rude to me and my boyfriend. I've called and said I wanted for superior room and she said the room is not ready yet. I told her I will reach around five and she said okay the room will be ready around that time. When I reach there she's like angry and said " I'VE TOLD YOU THE ROOM IS NOT READY YET! " after she said that I feel like changing hotel. But it's OK I give her another chance. After I pay then I still have balance rm10 she told me she don't have small change then I said if like this change my room to deluxe room so she doesn't have to give me balance but she said no and asked us to go find small change like really... Then we just stare at her and she finally decided to open the drawer and that the small change. When she open the drawer there are so many small change. Worst receptionist ever. I won't go back to that hotel again.

  • Kong Pui San

    Kong Pui San


    The receptionist was very rude to me and my boyfriend. I've called and said I wanted for superior room and she said the room is not ready yet. I told her I will reach around five and she said okay the room will be ready around that time. When I reach there she's like angry and said " I'VE TOLD YOU THE ROOM IS NOT READY YET! " after she said that I feel like changing hotel. But it's OK I give her another chance. After I pay then I still have balance rm10 she told me she don't have small change then I said if like this change my room to deluxe room so she doesn't have to give me balance but she said no and asked us to go find small change like really... Then we just stare at her and she finally decided to open the drawer and that the small change. When she open the drawer there are so many small change. Worst receptionist ever. I won't go back to that hotel again.

  • Yokesvaren Sunderasen

    Yokesvaren Sunderasen


    Bad service . My business customer acidently book this hotel witout knowing how bad the service and room is . Stayed there for 2 night . Room Service was terrible. Told them to clean my room and change towel but they didt do. They have live wires from the heater box stuck out in the bathroom. Damage items in the room , ants crawling near the door latch , Small Standard room , not suitable for 2 person per room , and have a " Clean Hotel " certificate with " A" grade that is should be fake. They have 2 building , one look new thts where u book ur hotel and another one is about few shop block away is where they will put you in where its look still under renovation and bad. Becareful guys when u book this hotel. It can kill people.

  • Mohd Faizal Rashid

    Mohd Faizal Rashid


    Receptionist very rude...almost 2 hour to check in because they said didnt have enough housekeeper otherwise they clean the room with no guest first? Why its that? Didnt it shoud clean the booked room first right...? Dont know how they manage their hotel...never ever come to this hotel again...i think you guys should consider other hotel in this town...

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