Tune Hotel George Town Penang i George Town

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MalaysiaTune Hotel George Town Penang



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100, Jalan Burma, 10050, George Town, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 4-227 5807
internet side: www.tunehotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 5.419511, Longitude: 100.327084

kommentar 5

  • en

    Carelene Thomas


    Perfect room !! Very clean and good standing. Very comfortable beds. No noise at all in the corridor and good price !!

  • Nana Zamri

    Nana Zamri


    The reception was so nice and friendly. But the room was to small. But thats not a problem. I enjoyed my holiday overall. Will come again ♥️

  • en

    Hoang Phan


    There is a polite and clean room. But there is something to be discussed Price RM80 per night,but not worth the money. Room very small and not enough equipment in a toilet. Noise from the doors of rooms beside felt uncomfortable whole day. Easy to wake up midnight because heard that sounds. All rooms this hotel do not have TV. Consider carefully before you want to stay in this hotel. I will never return here again.

  • en



    just basic and its okay for those who spend more time in hotel. we booked quad room but the room have problem so change to double room. the last day, the whole hotel was no electricity but staff was handle it professionally.

  • en

    Stephanie Chan


    A budget hotel is doing well if the experience was seamless and un-noteworthy. From arrival to check out everything went smoothly. Check in was fast, my room was easy to find, my room was clean, I appreciated the personal touch of the welcome note with my name on it left on my bed, the bathroom worked well, the bed was comfortable, the location of the hotel was great, I was offered complimentary luggage storage. The hotel was everything I needed it to be: a comfortable, clean place to rest away from the heat.

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