Upwell Supermarket i Kuching

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaUpwell Supermarket



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Lots 10588-10597, Block 16, KCLD, Jalan Song, Kampung Tabuan Lalang, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 82-577 323
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Latitude: 1.5193044, Longitude: 110.3600824

kommentar 5

  • Matthew Wilson

    Matthew Wilson


    Great place for a quick stop for food and house items

  • Mike Davis

    Mike Davis


    Easy to find household items and things related but upstairs for cloth not so..

  • Hiun Fah

    Hiun Fah


    Good to buy.but they not allow to open n exchange the chinese oranges I lost few rotten oranges.

  • Kingston Tie

    Kingston Tie


    Located along Jalan Song, easy to access. Can get very good prices during weekends promotion. Fruits are one of the main attractions to shoppers.

  • Re Gal Lim

    Re Gal Lim


    It is a neighbourhood supermarket that caters for bargain seekers. It is ideal if you want to grab something cheap quickly. Perhaps to counter its rivals, it is known to throw mid week promotion. Vegetables and fruits are very popular. It’s not a place for browsing or shopping. Even then, it has clothes department at the second floor. Stationeries and household items are available at the third floor.

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