Zen Zeng Hotel i Johor Bahru

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaZen Zeng Hotel


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2, 4, 6 * Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, Susur 1/1, Wadi Hana, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 7-221 2333
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Latitude: 1.4698833, Longitude: 103.7584947

kommentar 5

  • Mustafa Zubair

    Mustafa Zubair


    A very decent budget hotel near the heart of JB town and yet isolated from the hustle and bustle of the busy city. A very quiet place ideal for contemplation and peaceful relaxation.

  • RedFox



    Stayed here for a night. Overall the hotel was clean but comes with a bit cigarette smell. The bad things here is there is no control smoking in the lift. On my stay, i actually encounter someone who smoked in the lift. For price, it value for what u paid. They do have a water dispenser to keep ur bottle refill.

  • en

    Chi Laimay


    Cheap and worth it. Towel and tooth brush provided. Coway water filter provided out of the room. Outside of the hotel have one or two bryani cafe. Walking distance to danga shopping mall. But the floor is not so clean. Feel dusty. good for non fussy guest.

  • en

    Nahid Suzar


    I was accommodated yesterday, today 5 pm checked out. Stayed with full comfort but the things happened when i checked out. I returned the key and was stepping out, the receptionist stopped me then asked the house keeper to check the room. House keeper get back to the receptionist then she told me now i can go off. Don’t know if it is the procedure to check out of this hotel or i got something special. Guess the hotel owe me an explanation.

  • Ash Vin

    Ash Vin


    This hotel is great . It is inexpensive ,effective and clean ,people who are looking to stay in johor bahru this is one of the best hotel i haved stayed

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