Dr. Bong Piang Nam Dental Surgery i Kuching

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaDr. Bong Piang Nam Dental Surgery



🕗 åbningstider

21, Jalan Penrissen, 93250, Kuching, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 82-618 133
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 1.475766, Longitude: 110.330887

kommentar 5

  • Pazuzu Channel 1

    Pazuzu Channel 1


    They are opened on Saturday afternoon now. One of the friendliest dentist around kuching. Extracted my first tooth here. Very nice environment. they usually call and confirm your appointments.

  • Carrie Chen

    Carrie Chen


    Unprofessional staffs. Dr used to be great 6 years ago. Went back recently and he's no longer that nice and skillful. How can a professional become downgrade? Btw, too expensive for the quality of work.

  • Gianluca Ruggeri

    Gianluca Ruggeri


    The staff was unable to take an appointment correctly. The supposed to be "doctor" went for lunch and left me waiting in the waiting room without explanation for nearly one hour. I would recommend it only if you are desperately in pain and no other options around!

  • Alyssa Syauwye

    Alyssa Syauwye


    providing good services; before and after. a friendly and great customer service by both doctor and staff. i am satiesfied with the prices.😃

  • mel aye

    mel aye


    The best dentist ive ever met. Doc and his employees are riendly, funny, tolerate and have gr8 custmer service; before and after. 5 stars for Doc Bong!

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