Funtasy House Trick Art i Ipoh

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MalaysiaFuntasy House Trick Art



🕗 åbningstider

16, Jalan Market, 30000, Ipoh, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 5-255 0007
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.5959892, Longitude: 101.0773073

kommentar 5

  • en

    Carolina Lee


    This place looked small from the outside. But we had so much fun! Even my old parents had fun! It's a place for the young and old.

  • Asraff Khaff Heikhall Zainal Abidin

    Asraff Khaff Heikhall Zainal Abidin


    To be honest, this place actually like a rundown for me. But hey, the entrance fee is cheeper. A good place to explore the old and beauty side in Ipoh as this place located nearby to other attractions.

  • Asha Ganesan

    Asha Ganesan


    Beautiful artworks great for posing and taking pictures. Optical illusions and photo tricks were amazing too. Had fun with kids here. The photographer and other staff were very friendly too.

  • nick83my



    Great place to bring your kids and make them take posts. You will definitely enjoy the effects of the paintings. Tickets are priced affordably and staffs are very friendly. They can help you take photo which is much advisable rather than taking it yourself.

  • Tim Baker

    Tim Baker


    We had a blast here! As many previous reviews have mentioned, when you first walk in and have a look around it is pretty mellow and not all that exciting but when you get into it and start posing and snapping pictures it becomes a lot of fun and you can have a great time. This is really one of those places to just let loose and act like a child again! If you found my review helpful, please hit the "helpful" button below :)

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