Sibu Central Market i Sibu

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MalaysiaSibu Central Market



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Jalan Channel, 96000, Sibu, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 10-507 0459
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Latitude: 2.2873292, Longitude: 111.8283795

kommentar 5

  • en

    Barbara Bija


    All in one place! Food court, fresh vegetables, fresh meat product, groceries, all in one place. Easy access to urban transformation centre. Food and drinks at its best price. Would recommend stall FD46 for best coffee. Variety choice of wild vegetable on weekends.

  • en

    Swee Kee Chew


    The best kept market that is easy to navigate. All fresh produce under one roof, and eateries at the level above with drive-in carpark. Various government departments that handle Identity Cards, Passports, Road Transport licenses are located top most floor.

  • Kim Yori

    Kim Yori


    I just love this place.... every single cents counts... if you lost your valubles, please pray for the cleanners found it. Honestly... they are honest... I lost my car keys... and they kept it safe and sound...

  • en

    Ming Thing Law


    Travellers come here, local people also come here. It's crowded, a bit dirty, but I love this place. Just stop for a minute, and look around. The people especially kids here are helpful, cute, compared to the big cities children.

  • en

    Kp Wong


    Authentic showcase of Sibu life (sights and sound). Like any wet market there are colourful sights, sounds and smells. Yet Sibu wet market is better organised, clean (comparative) and vibrant. Worth a visit for food, handicraft and souvenirs

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