Borders ( Bangsar Village II ) i Kuala Lumpur

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MalaysiaBorders ( Bangsar Village II )



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2nd Floor, Bangsar Village II, No. 2, Jalan Telawi Satu, Bangsar Baru, Wilayah Persekutuan, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2288 1812
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Latitude: 3.1306818, Longitude: 101.6713858

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ahmad Khairuddin


    A reasonably sized Borders outlet. The selection of books is decent. Good for a quick browse looking for the latest bestsellers and magazines. I find this store to be decent, but not good enough for the serious book worm. It bothers me some what that I don't find a reasonable amount of SF/Fantasy books here.

  • Raul Low

    Raul Low


    This is a nice-sized bookstore located within Bangsar village, the mall underneath the Though it is malaysiane-owned the majority of the books are in English. If you coming to enjoy the food court at areaC and the fountain light show at night, a stop here in between may be worth your while. You can even watch the fountain (though not hear) the fountain light show through. this book shop to check outs its excellent range of English books about every imaginable subject.They ahve some especially good books on Asian History,culture,biographies,politics and fiction. I collected a wonderful book on Sir Stamford Raffles (Singapore) a new Kevin Kwan fiction about to be made into a movie "Crazy Rich Asians" and a cookbook on Malaysian food recommended by the staff.If you want to read and extend your knowledge of SEAsia or just choose a good book this is the place to go. Lt is disappointing that all the books are sealed but staff will unwrap them id requested.  Helpful?

  • Ellen Whyte

    Ellen Whyte


    Nice people and they have a biggish shop but all the books are wrapped in plastic to discourage browsing. I was looking for Christmas presents for kids and friends, so I need to see under the wrappers. I'm going to MPH tomorrow.

  • Kingsley Yong

    Kingsley Yong


    This bookstore has a number of board games available.

  • Steve Morgan

    Steve Morgan


    Great range of English books

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