CzipLee Malaysia i Kuala Lumpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaCzipLee Malaysia



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Jalan Telawi 3, 59100, Kuala Lumpur, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 3-2287 0699
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Latitude: 3.132733, Longitude: 101.670993

kommentar 5

  • en

    Elizabeth Rajam Devanayagam


    Awesome stuff. So affordable. Helpful staff.

  • en

    Tracy Kok


    Awesome selection of stationary - you'll be beyond spoilt for choice. If you've been drooling over stuff at Japanese stationary stores on YouTube, this is the closest you will get without going to Japan. They have the Midori Traveler's Notebooks here with accessories, loads of cool pens, good selection of mt washing tape and lots of other good things. Word of warning, if you are a stationary hoarder (like yours truly), be prepared to overspend.

  • en

    Benny Beq


    Best place to go for school books. Big collection. Anytime better than well known famous book stores. Huge variety of stationery. Difficult to find parking.

  • Felis Catus

    Felis Catus


    Sells a wide arrange of stationary and art supplies. Staff is very helpful and answers most of the question i asked. Looking for parking is quite of a hassle but thats probably the only downside going here.

  • SC Lim

    SC Lim


    They carry a lot of "black notebook" brands of note like Moleskine, Rhodia and Leuchtturm1917, and loads of stationery you won't necessarily find in chain stores. Worth a visit if you're in the area. Parking however, is a different matter. They do have reserved lots outside for unloading, customers, etc.

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