Imperial Hotel, Miri i Miri

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MalaysiaImperial Hotel, Miri



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Jalan Pos, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 85-431 133
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Latitude: 4.399216, Longitude: 113.99026

kommentar 5

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    Mijan Ghani


    The hotel are famous and cheap if you want to gateaway holiday with the family, the services are slow, it has a gym and a swimming pool, the buffet is a bit aaaaOOOkay. The place are near shops and you just go downstairs to go to the shop.

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    Dratos Lee


    Definitely recommend to anyone wish to stay in Miri. The old wing is still way better than new wing!

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    Jonah Lee


    Poor room. Noisy. On checking in, I was told that my room has no views other than the corridor. So I paid RM20 extra per night to upgrade to a room with a sea view bit was given a room on the 6th floor looking out to an ugly backyard of a shopping mall. As it is the highest floor we hear frequent banging on the roof. At night I hear cars racing down the road. Will not stay here ever again.

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    shikeen khalid


    I love the room. And the location. As it's easy for us to go to the mall right under. The room is comfy and I love that they have bath tub. We were in the superior room.

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    Janice Dhing


    Stayed here for 3 nights at their 2 bedroom service apartment. The first night we were there, our toilet can't flush. We reported it and that evening when we're back, it was fixed. It would be nice if the master bedroom has bathroom attached. 4 persons sharing a bath room is difficult. I like the view from our room on the 14th floor. We can get a glimpse of the river mouth leading to the sea and the city view. Breakfast spread is good. I also bought a packet of their Christmas mix malt cookies from their Christmas stall at their lobby. It's crunchy and not sweet which suits me. This hotel is very convenient too, the hypermarket is located at the basement if the hotel. We bought fruits and extra drinking water as they only gave us 2 bottles a day.

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