Milano Hotel i Kluang

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaMilano Hotel


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8,10,12, Jalan Dato Rauf, Kluang, Kampung Masjid Lama, 86000 Kluang, Johor, Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 7-773 6555
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Latitude: 2.033453, Longitude: 103.321463

kommentar 5

  • Terence Wong

    Terence Wong


    Overall is OK, value for money, room are clean.

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    hans chui


    They have a very high and hard pillow. I ended up sleep without a pillow because they dont have any other pillow to offer.

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    The room I stayed in is nice with decent facilities. Staff is friendly and helpful. Just rooms on the lower floor may be more affected by the noise from the traffic.

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    Mohd Nazri Mohd Yusof


    Very good. Everything you need is here with affordable price.

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    Yasotha Arumugam


    A small and cosy hotel. Hotel staff are friendly. However, they don't have a lift. I had to change my room to the 1st floor because my mom wasn't able to climb 3 flights of stairs. Also parking downstairs needs the coupon. A nearby bookshop sells the coupons for RM6 (10 tickets). Parking attendants come between 9am to 5pm for checks. The location of the hotel is quite strategic and most of the recommended places to eat are very nearby.

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