The Imperial Hotel i Kluang

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MalaysiaThe Imperial Hotel


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Jalan Syed Abdul Hamid Sagaf, 86000, Kluang, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 7-772 5555
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Latitude: 2.0341742, Longitude: 103.3204927

kommentar 5

  • mohamad noorazam zainal

    mohamad noorazam zainal


    Excellent budget hotel. Power shower n nice setup

  • neris low

    neris low


    A great base from which to explore Kluang town. We stayed at the family room which had 2 double beds which was perfect for our family of 3 young kids. The rooms were clean spacious and modern. Parking is available on the roadside and the hotel will happily provide you with free parking coupons so that you won't get fined. The location is fantastic and we were just minutes away from the shopping centre, railway station , eateries and street art.

  • en

    Haliza Siraj


    Imperial hotel is in Kluang Town, Johor, Malaysia. It is about 300m from Kluang Train Station and 500m from the Kluang Bus Terminal. This hotel is very clean and strategically situated. Toilet is slippery when wet (the same wall tiles were use on the floor too). A good place for stop-over before continuing journey towards Mersing or Tioman Island. Taxi fare is by negotiation: within town is RM8. Avoid asking hotel to book taxi for you as it can cost RM60 for a 20km trip (We took Grab for RM20) and remember to take the telephone no. for the return trip. Fare can be slightly more as they charge base on to/fro trip.

  • 納納米



    We stay in family room. Friendly and helpful staff. Strategically location. 7 eleven is next to the hotel. Domino's pizza and McDonald just opposite the building. Shopping malls is within walking distance. Kluang Station coffee is 5 min walk from the hotel. limited parking lot. You can hear the sound from street but still acceptable not that worse. Room was super clean, nicely renovated toilet. Comfy bed and pillow.




    Big room, bathroom big n clean, quite, close to domino, mcd, 7eleven n klung mall. Convenience place. Friendly staff.

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