The Northam All Suite Penang i George Town

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MalaysiaThe Northam All Suite Penang



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55, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 10050, George Town, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 4-370 1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 5.4271776, Longitude: 100.3213267

kommentar 5

  • en

    Angelia Lesmana


    Next to gleneagles hospital, so very convenient if your main objectives in penang is to go to the hospital. But also located close to gurney shopping mall and have a great view of the sea.

  • Duffin Anggana

    Duffin Anggana


    Staffs are very welcome and helpful, especially the concierge ☺ Just a suggestion that the lights should be lighter so that the room is not dimly lighted and the smell of cigarretes on the non-smoking floor should be neutralized. Keep up the good service!

  • en

    Artsy Lee


    I love it. The room environment is really nice and quiet. I booked junior suite and it was huge, out of my expectations. The bathroom are really clean and I having a relaxing bath with the jacuzzi. If I come again to Penang, I don't even bother to book again at this hotel.

  • en

    sasi vas


    Stayed in the Junior suite in December for a couple of days. Nice view, clean room. not too expensive for the holiday season. Location is good, within walking distance to many food places. If you are looking for a decent place close to the city center, this is a good option.

  • Oran Bilsen

    Oran Bilsen


    I love this place. Great rooms, great staff, fantastic views. A modern hotel can't compare with this grand old dame, even if she's sometimes a bit creaky. I come back again and again.

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